Ep# 52 - Sapphic Cinema in the 60s
Bart & Jenna open their minds and hearts and experiment with a global variety of films that explore the highs and lows of sapphic love.
Ep# 45 - Haskell Wexler in the 60s
Bart & Jenna dive into the work of Haskell Wexler – one of the true auteur cinematographers who got his start in the 1960s. Featuring a heated debate on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, as iconic in wit as it is in visual flare, and Medium Cool – a hybrid film that incorporates almost every trick he learned from the decade.
Ep #27- Technophobic Science Fiction in 1968
Jenna & Bart discuss, in order from the ridiculous to the sublime, several selections from this annus mirabilis of sci-fi films that engage directly with societal anxieties of the future.
Ep #15 - Kiss, Marry, Kill in the 60s: 1962
Bart & Jenna play Kiss Marry Kill with the year 1962. Including discussion on The Trial, Ivan’s Childhood, David and Lisa, The Inheritance, The Chapman Report and Hatari!.