Ep #66 - Anthony Perkins in the 60s
Tony Perkins ran away from Hollywood and ended up having one of the strangest careers of any major star of the 60s. Fortunately that makes him a treasure trove of the sort of lost treasures Bart & Jenna love.
Ep# 49 - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. in the 60s
Bart & Jenna watch every Man From U.N.C.L.E. movie from the 1960s then discuss the television show's bootleg Bond origins and the subsequent U.N.C.L.E. mania that followed.
Ep #18 - Aviva Briefel's 60s Pick: Rosemary's Baby
Guest Aviva Briefel joins Bart & Jenna in an episode that focuses on Rosemary’s Baby. Aviva tells them why this is her favorite film ever and discusses its many themes–including body horror, misogyny, Satanism and bigotry.